Welcome Texas Southern University Students
Student Health Insurance
Spring Waiver Deadline is January 29, 2018.
International Students: All international students are required to have health insurance. International students are automatically enrolled and charged for the University sponsored student health insurance plan unless a waiver is submitted. Waivers will be considered for plans from your home country or a family member working for a U.S. employer.
Waivers are not acceptable for individual plans purchased in the U.S.
To have the charges removed; students are required to complete the waiver by January 29, 2018 for the Spring semester. The waiver button can be found above left. By completing the waiver the student agrees to the following:
- I understand that I am required to maintain health insurance for the full academic year. In the event termination or pertinent changes occur to my coverage I will notify Collegiate Risk Management immediately. I also agree to purchase the University sponsored plan should my waiver be denied and I acknowledge that I am legally responsible for any and all medical bills.
- Plan Summary
- Brochure
- Claim Form
- ID Card
- Find a Doctor
- Find a Pharmacy
- Find a Clinic